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Dr. Ashwin B. Mehta










Dr. Ashwin B. Mehta has been under graduate and postgraduate teacher at the University of Mumbai right from his medical registrar days i.e. 1963 onwards.

In the last 36 years, he has being training students in cardiology at Mumbai University.

During this tenure, he has organized number of teaching seminars, symposia, panel discussions etc.

Besides, Dr. Ashwin B. Mehta has taught Coronary Angiography, Coronary Angioplasty, Intra Cardiac Pacing, haemodynamically monitoring to hundreds of Post Graduate students.

Dr. Ashwin B. Mehta has been examiner in DM Cardiology (highest qualification in the field of cardiology) at Pune, Ahmedabad, Newexper Delhi, and Calcutta etc.

As Honorary Prof. of Cardiology, Dr. Ashwin B. Mehta was responsible for setting up cardiology department in Mumbai’s second largest teaching institute.



Percutaneous coronary interventions of bifurcating lesion – Cardiology Society of India, New Delhi, December’ 2006.

Thrombus extraction devices in Percutaneous coronary interventions - Cardiology Society of India, New Delhi, December’ 2006.

Study of Percutaneous coronary interventions in post CABG patients - Cardiology Society of Indian, New Delhi, December’ 2006.

peaker - Antegrade Wire-based Approach (during session - Coronary CTO: Part 1) on 25th June 2014 at the C3 meeting at Orlando.

Presented a talk on ‘Most CTOs that truly need to be intervened can be done Antegrade on 6th June 2015 during the IJCTO conference at Lucknow.



Brilliant academic career at both MBBS & MD examination with distinction.

This was a rare achievement and was for the first time in the decade.

Record marks in Medicine Practical a record unparalleled in last 108 years (since the inception of University of Mumbai).